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Meet Steffi Black

Certified Spring Forest Qigong Practitioner and Coach

My Vision

Through one-on-one coaching and Qigong healing, Steffi reminds us of our innate wisdom. By integrating daily rituals, together we follow a more peaceful path until your new story emerges.

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My Journey to Coach, Qigong Practitioner

I never felt conventional. My introvert side preferred deep connections and quiet spaces to work and live. My curiosity veers towards the spiritual, to rituals and ancient practices, with my path winding around Hawaii’s ho’oponopono, through astrology, and now Qigong, which seeks to align our breath, movement and heart to promote healing.


I suppose I was discovering myself and my connection to all that is. There was wisdom in embracing my broken pieces—I will never stop loving the metaphor of kinstukuroi, the art of broken Japanese pottery repaired with precious-metal lacquer and made all the more beautiful for that—and helping others march to their own drummer. If they can fall in like, if not love, with their idiosyncracies and embrace who they are, they discover a new chapter and find their authentic voice.

If I feel like an outsider, if my views are unconventional, then I want to help others feel okay with who they are too. You could describe it as a calling, I suppose, and I work with my intuition, my energy and a mix of practical tools to help others help themselves. If you care about credentials, I’ve done the corporate leadership route, but the emotional healer’s path suits me better. We could use a little more magic in our lives, and Qigong healing feels magical to me.


Meanwhile, I coach individuals to realize better outcomes in their lives and careers, and I speak publicly on the importance of rituals for mental wellness.


My Qigong training is administered by Spring Forest Qigong. Its founder, Master Chunyi Lin, says we are our own healers, and he calls those who practice Qigong “Love Radiators.” I like the idea of that. Who doesn’t want to spread more love, compassion and kindness? 

Well, I do, anyway, whether that makes me conventional or something else entirely.


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